What is Business Administration

Office admin and business admin are often confused with each other but the difference is mainly financial. If you are trusted with the financial aspects of a business your work is regarded as more valuable. 

This is also true when you go deeper into customer service for existing clients and marketing tasks for a business. Here are some of the tasks which come with business administration for small businesses.

Business Strategy

Starting and managing a successful business isn’t an accident. It takes study and planning to understand what your business does, what your competitors do, how best to “package” your products and services and promote them to prospective customers. 

Tasks include:

  • market research
  • Competitive analysis
  • define what you sell so you can explain it quickly
  • plan your marketing strategy
  • tick off your online business start up compliance tasks, then
  • build a reputation that helps bring in new clients continuously and effortlessly — that’s our goal.


Website & Content

A website is critical for promoting a business online. In it’s basic form a website contains information about your business and contact details but when set up correctly it becomes a sales and marketing funnel that brings customers straight to your door.

Understand how to use your website to attract potential customers and create offers that have them entering in their details to learn more about what you do.

When your website content is optimised it will become valuable tool for your sales and customer service team and attract “organic” traffic from Google.

Tasks for website content optimisation:

  • Identify key landing pages
  • Identify niche, specialised content for ideal clients
  • Create lead magnets and free give away content
  • Understand how to navigate a website to answer client questions


Local Awareness Marketing

Whether you are (or want to be) a contractor and choose your own working hours and clients or are looking for part-time or full-time work as an employee your online profile (as part of the talent pool membership) will help you stand out from other bookkeepers and get discovered for work.

Your online profile enables employers to contact you directly and this means you’ll need to be prepared with your own “qualification” questions – read on for how we help you with that.

This enables us to support and coach you about how to respond to initial prospect enquiries.


Advertising and Lead Generation

One of the most challenging tasks facing business owners is how to advertise to attract customers. It is easy to create and pay for Google and Facebook ads but getting customers to contact you and want to use your services requires a smart marketing strategy.

Learn how to focus your advertising to the needs of your best potential clients and then how to manage those leads you receive.

Advertising and lead generation tasks

  • Identify lead pages on your website
  • understand key client issues which will attract them to your ad
  • create ads and giveaway content to give to prospective clients
  • define what to say to leads and where on the website to direct them


Online Customer Service Certificate Training Course

Customer Service starts the moment someone makes contact with your business. This can happen via

  • website chat,
  • text message,
  • email
  • phone calls, and of course
  • when a customer visits your business

Customer service involves speaking with new customers (called prospects) who want to learn more about what you do and how you do it. The goal is that these people become customers and pay money to use your products and services. 

Once they are your clients your customer service focus changes to how you can help them while they are using your business services to create happy customers. When you do a great job these customers will refer their friends and family to you and write great testimonials and reviews.

 You’ll learn how to use online tools to:

  • See all the visitors at a website and understand what they are doing
  • Learn how to use website chat to engage with website visitors
  • How to manage expectations and keep visitors informed
  • Clarify the customers needs, budget and timeframe
  • Use a messaging system to engage with website visitors after the chat
  • Understand the stages of the buying journey and sales pipeline
  • Tools used by Support Administrators to ensure good quality customer service