The employment process
The Career Academy Pathways Program outlines the process that job seekers go through to find a new job, namely:
- Creating, updating and fleshing out a professional resume — including how to provide relevant and demonstrable examples
- Understanding what YOU are seeking in this job and what other factors are important to you (for example, work-life balance or managing competing priorities in your life with your work, looking at what opportunities there are for career development etc.)
- Realising the future opportunities for growth available in selected industries
- How to write covering letters and emails that will stand out and show off some of your personality while still remaining professional
There is also:
- How to effectively research the business or employer before making phone contact
- How to conduct yourself in a telephone job interview
- How to present yourself at a face-to-face interview for a job
- Tips from employers about what they look for in job candidates
- How to negotiate a salary package
- Tips on how to get off to the best start in your new job.
Demystifying the job search process

Looking for a new job is not something any of us do all that often. It is particularly daunting if you have been out of the workforce for several years for whatever reason — including raising a family, caring for an elderly or sick relative, redundancy, or recovering from illness or injury.
Many people, even if they’ve been in constant employment, are unfamiliar with how much the job seeking landscape has changed with the internet and advent of LinkedIn and other social media, not only for advertising jobs but for advertising oneself. The way people search for jobs is changing all the time and many people use a combination of methods to find work and get in contact with prospective employers.
The Career Academy outlines some of these methods and their effectiveness; including gleaning the job websites and newspapers, the power of LinkedIn, using a recruitment agency and attending network events and using referrals.
The Career Academy Training Programs give you clear strategies on how to win work and find a job that will suit you and your circumstances.
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