3 Xero Online Advanced Training Course

  • Advanced Business case studies
  • GST, Quarterly BAS,
  • Financial Reporting
  • Cashflow, Budgets & ROI
  • Explanation video tutorials
  • Downloadable PDF training manuals
  • Practical exercises
  • 12 months student support
  • SMS, Chat, Email and Phone Support
  • Accounting Tutor support included as standard
  • Industry Accredited Xero Advanced Course Certificate
  • Career Academy Job Seeker Training Program
  • Swift Enrolment Process
  • 12 Hours CPD Points

Available for $25 per week

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 Advertising of BAS services is legislated by the TAX AGENT SERVICES ACT 2009 so before you engage the services of any person in our directory please be certain to ask for their BAS agent number. For more information click here

Xero GST, Reporting & BAS Training Course

This Xero Course builds on the Xero Bank Reconciliation Course. It explores a full quarter worth of transactions using a case study which features a budding entrepreneur and we’ve chosen this case study because it enables us to include  transactions that make GST and BAS reporting tricky; including:

  • purchases which are GST-free,
  • those which have partial GST, or are
  • international payments.
  • varying GST Transactions

Course Inclusions

The course includes capital purchases (a vehicle) and includes the different costs of running a vehicle should be treated, as well as expenses like entertainment; when FBT applies and an introduction to Payroll where you’ll explore how various aspects of wages are treated in the BAS.

BAS Report and PAYG Introduction

After correctly coding all of these transactions, you’ll set up the Financial Settings of a Business in Xero with regard to the GST registration (Cash vs Accrual and quarterly vs monthly). You’ll run a BAS report, which is combined with our specially-designed “Ad Hoc Payroll” Excel spreadsheet case study calculations in order to work out the final liabilities.

As you progress through this course you’ll see the results of the business owners ‘change of strategy’ and focus for the business. You’ll see what these results look like at the end of the quarter, as well as month-by-month comparisons of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports.

Decisions Based on Financial Reports

At the end of the course you’ll explore how the business owner can use the information in the reports to change the direction of the business, as well as how he will be able to configure their software to obtain even better reports at the end of the next quarterly reporting period.

Apart from performing all of a businesses compliance requirements, decision making is one of the biggest reasons for business to maintain detailed records and use computerised accounting software.

Xero Cashflow, Budgets & ROI Training Course

Xero Cashflow Reporting, Budgets & ROI Training Course follows the scenario and case study featured in our Xero GST, Reporting and BAS Course by expanding on the sample company scenario for an extra quarter for BAS and Reporting purposes.

What’s included

In this Xero Course you’ll learn how to import the bank transactions (rather than enter them manually that we teach in the Xero Daily Transactions “Essentials” Training Course) and manage the many and varied transactions that our typical entrepreneur, Jerry, enters into, for instance:

  • getting a commercial building loan
  • buying a commercial property
  • completing a real estate agents’ course (because he’s changing business direction and running several enterprises at the same time).

Controlling spend

In this Xero course we explore the typical overspending that some new entrepreneurs go through and understand how these transactions affect the cashflow of a business.

You’ll learn about the financing, operational and investment aspects of a cashflow statement and about alternative strategies that a business can take regarding its spending and credit risk management.

You’ll go through other Credit Management reports like Aged Receivables and understand the tools available to small businesses for:

  1. reigning in their accounts receivable
  2. getting money into their bank accounts quicker
  3. using their accounting software to help perform better marketing and operational management by budgeting and understanding their Return On Investment.

Accounting for real-world changes for start ups

These are some of the topics included:You’ll explore some business opportunities that reveal how corporate employees can become small business owners and consultants in their local area with the use of cloud accounting software.

  • Changing a business name
  • Subscribing to HiPages (HomeImprovementPages.com.au) and using it as a lead source for trades
  • Real estate agents’ course and setting up a real estate agency
  • How to earn money selling software training courses – including creating quotes, invoice and receiving payments
  • Advertising on LinkedIn to find a real estate agent employee
  • Setting up a professional WordPress website
  • Exploring strategies to win regular work
  • Using car trailers as an advertising medium
  • Borrowing cost for Cubbyhole
  • How to make a loan and purchase transaction for Cubbyhole commercial warehouse
  • Deposit and loan for commercial property purchase
  • Making changes to inventory
  • Creating invoices for sales and marketing contract work
  • Importing bank statements to save on data entry
  • Creating bank rules
  • Matching transactions for bank statements from a bank file
  • Create transactions for BAS refund
  • Accounting for motor vehicle depreciation
  • Accounting for commercial premises depreciation
  • PAYG & superannuation
  • Cash flow statements
  • Setting budgets
  • Return on investment (ROI) analysis

Real life case study examples

Learn about the experiences as an entrepreneur traverses the leap from one business type to another; how he manages financials, marketing and work life balance.

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