Most businesses will look for a bookkeeper online so even if you plan to attend networking events and create your own referral network, the people you meet will expect to learn more about you online and nothing is more professional than having your own website.
Your website and online presence is like a storefront, only digital. You should let your website visitors know who you are and what you do.
WordPress allows you to construct a professional website by allowing you to choose from thousands of professional themes (like templates). You can easily create website pages and change them whenever you need to.
A Bookkeeping Website
Your bookkeeping website should be personal and include information that your clients are looking for, such as your qualifications and expertise, services, and contact information.
If you’re camera shy you can leave out a portrait photograph but most people will expect to see what you look like. You can also add YouTube videos and links to your social media pages, so people can see that you’ve been active.
Your Digital Showcase
Your website should reflect your interests and personality, as well as offer information that you want others to see, particularly if you have a lot of experience in a particular software program or an industry niche. Your bookkeepers website is designed to persuade prospective clients to choose you over other bookkeepers.
Social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, are designed to help you connect and engage with new clients. Social media profiles should link back to your website.
Your website should be simple, easy to navigate, and informative and it doesn’t need to be expensive or too flashy. Often bookkeepers and accountants will build a Minimum Viable Website and then make changes and additions after they’ve had some time to show it to their contacts.
Your Website is a Digital Asset
Your website demonstrates your interests and individuality as well as showcases your professional qualifications and experience but put yourself in the position of a potential customer.
Why would they choose you over a different bookkeeper?
A good website will not only inform visitors but also give them a reason to reach out and make contact with you.
Create a website for your bookkeeping business